Friday, 7 October 2011

Aboyne Expedition day 4 (Thursday)

Another good day finishing at about 1530hrs. Everyone who got to the airfield flew ( Derek suffering with a cold missed out). Wave set up with a westerly wind over the lochs to Logie Coldstone. A tow to about 3500ft took you straight into the wave which was well signposted with wave cloud. Although weather was threatening far to the west a small cross country with Dave Bowtell of about 100k triangle was possible to the northwest and southwest up to 13000ft. Dave Paffett made 11000ft in the DG1000 and we both landed before the day closed in. So 4 days in a row of wave! Not bad going for the first week.
John Simmonds

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Aboyne Day 3 Wednesday

Great day! Diamond heights were achieved on three flights and Mike Brooks, subject to check has got his Diamond! The winds were very strong and circuits were once again exciting. A memorable tow through a circular rainbow into rotor and on release immediately opening the airbrakes to avoid cloud then almost immediately into wave 10kts up in the clear of the wave bar, wow! Tonight we all dine on roast pork by the generious hospitality of farmer Dave Bowtell to celebrate the fantastic day.
John Simmonds

Aboyne Day2 ( Tuesday)

The day started well with a wave bar gap over the Lochs, cloud base at about 3500ft and the wind down the runway. Aerotows into the wave were achieved at about 3000ft to 4200ft depending on the conditions prevailing. All checks completed, with just a few duel tasks to continue. The computer whizz Stephen Baker, managed to find files for the Aboyne wave box so now all the Satnav's have the wave box displayed on the moving maps, Lasham gliders are superbly equipped! Achievements for the day were Stephen Baker and myself 16500ft followed by Stephen on his own to 14000ft. The two Dave,s Paffet and Bowtell got to 14000ft. Steve Powell with Farmer Bowtell made 11000ft and on Steve's second flight with Derek Copeland made 15200ft. Mike Dawson with myself made 13500ft and 12500ft later in the day. I was particularly pleased with the second flight where we pulled off the tow early and had to work hard to get into the wave. Another day with lively conditions but not as strong as the previous day. All returned to the house tired but well satisfied with the day.
John Simmonds

Monday, 3 October 2011

All arrived on Saturday safely, though Derek found the Fettercairn route a bit too much with a trailer and arrived at 2200hrs cursing his Satnav. The Accommodation is excellent as last year and all have nice rooms
The gliders were rigged and fettled the following day, though no flying was possible due to the 50ft cloud base. However, today (Monday) we were treated to a wonderful view of wave with southwesterly winds forecast up to 30kts. Derek and myself launched first in the K21 and contacted wave at 1500ft, pulling off at 2000ft in about 2-3knots. We called the DG1000 up with Dave Paffett and Dave Bowtell at the controls. They climbed to 12000ft while we struggled with a 55kt head wind trying to get into wind at 7000ft. My bladder demanded a landing after about an hour so we returned with a lively circuit followed by an excellent landing and ground run by Derek. Mike Dawson took off in the K21 with myself with changing conditions. As we climbed out calls were being made for gliders above cloud to descend. The base quickly came down to 2500ft as the wave collapsed and a mass landing started. All the landing were exciting but everyone managed to put it on the runway and keep it there. The you could smell the adrenaline. Launching was suspended and rain has resumed, but a start has been made. Mike Brooks of Lasham who is up here privately in his LS6 made 18500ft and asked for the wave box to be opened which of course caused the collapse of the wave so he will be wearing the yellow jersey and buying the beers tonight.
John Simmonds