Where did that breeze come from?
As we rolled up to the airfield it appeared to be a typical calm morning with a light breeze from the south, some CU starting to form and the odd wave cloud in the distance. The daily met brief was forecasting 20-30 kts on the ground and 50kts at 10,000ft Wave and moderate turbulence. Stepping out of the briefing we suddenly had 20 knots on the ground and the gusts felt severe.
Watching the first competition launches confirmed that the tows would be lively. Our launches were on to a small ridge to the East of Sisteron town, which was used as a stepping-stone in to the wave in the lee of the Lure. Both Billy and Graham had excellent wave flights to over 12,000ft and managed to explore well to the west.
The second trips were into a sky that had become overcast and with little evidence of wave. I launched on to the ridge and found that the turbulence at low level could best be described as severe and I was glad to contact an 8kt thermal and climb away. Both Robin and Ginny managed 2 hours in the local area and it was only the arrival of the rain that forced Merv down!
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