Thursday, 10 March 2011

Jaca 2011 week 1 day 4

High pressure light winds but warm and thermic to 8000ft. High and lows- "Flying straight at the sheer snow covered rock face of the summit" (Annie Wellbrook); "Flying the Duo for the first time and flying close to the snow, seeing the gliders shadow close by" (John Davey); "Just getting to the snow line and top after an epic struggle" (Merv and Richard, non-expedition this week); "The imaginative circuit after falling down!" (Martin Hollowell); "Getting to the top" (Craig Ulrich); "Pulling up over the snow line and feeling the glider just going up and up with the rising ground" (John S); "Seeing Merv and Richard light up the turbo after falling back after an attempt at the summit" (Hugh). All expressed disbelief that they were in this beautiful almost unreal environment. Time for bed said zebedee!

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