Friday, 20 May 2011

Sisteron Week 2 Day 6

Last day - with a similar forecast for the past two days another early start was made. There was evidence of a storm out to the north west very early at 11:00. Unlike the previous days, the clouds to the east did not develop into Cb but did produce rain and most unusally the notorious storm hotspot Pic de Bure had reasonable cumulus at 10-11000 bases for most of the day. Conditions to the north east were booming. Tremaine managed to get 13200 in thermal in the mountains east of Briancon. The second sortie started with Mark soaring away from a 1300' tow (to make up for yesterdays long tow) and topping out at 11000. We returned (early for us) in order to pay the bill before the office closed at six and shortly afterwards Pic de Bure erupted to produce a large storm, again there were storms all around but no rain on the airfield. This week has had a very good mixture of weather starting with the awesome wave day FL195 and finising with thermals to 13200'! Mark and Tremaine have equally shared the 36 hour flying time and we all have had a fantastic time.


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