Friday, 21 March 2014

Jaca Week 2 Day 5

We had spots of rain on the way to breakfast, Anna at briefing was optimistic that the sun would come out at 12:00 but no one actually believed her. To keep the troops entertained the gliders were DI'ed and parked ready for action. Then, just as forecast, the sky cleared and ragged cumulus appeared towards the mountains. At 14:00 Phil and Bob launched and were soon climbing to 6000' to avoid another 'Spot the Merv' photo from a great height Bob A and Merv decided to follow in his slipstream which worked to good effect.

Who says that I can't have a "spot the Merv" competition!
(P.S. this one is more tricky - don't look down!)

Although the cloudbase was only 7500' the conditions on the Spanish side were indeed better than the French side so the conditions had actually returned to normal and were much better than anticipated. The cumulus over stage 3 was tending to join forces but it was possible to climb well above cloudbase. The conditions were looking like the day was over but the second sorties were much easier than expected, it's surprising just how quickly the conditions can change here. The southerly wind enabled some ridge running which was a new experience for Paul and Andy. Another great days flying was had by all. Tomorrow looks like winter is returning but it has not been written off just yet!

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