Thursday, 16 March 2017

Jaca 2017 Week 1 - Day 4

Another fantastic day of flying with stronger thermals and higher cloudbase than yesterday allowing everyone to experience wings level cruising along the main ridge of the Pyrenees.

We now have a well established routine with Merv's south hanger team preparing the Club Nimbus Duo "T1" and Bob's north hanger team doing the same for  the Lasham Duo "3". With everything ready to go at the launch point there is time to relax and wait for indications that convection has started.

A slightly earlier start was possible today with E6 leading the way as usual, then T1 with Derek and Merv followed by Mark and Bob. The better conditions made the transition to Stage 3 quicker for most but the south easterly wind meant that the thermals were not always in quite where we were expecting.
Mark enjoying the approach to the distinctive peak of Collerada.

Looking down on Jaca on the way back from the first sortie.

The second sorties were back in the air by 15:30 allowing enough time to explore a bit further than has been possible so far this week. Merv seemed quite keen that James and Derek should have their passports with them so I wouldn't be surprised if he visited France...

Ray cruising along the ridge going West.
Toya gave us another excellent roasted lamb dinner which was enjoyed by all.

Another good day in prospect for tomorrow but Saturday is less certain with a cold front due.


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