At the start of the day some concern was felt by last nights driver as the gliders were surrounded by the men in blue and an arrest was thought imminent.
Is this your glider Sir...... |
In the end we were much relieved that they were just curious about the gliders and so we gave them a guided tour. The pictures may look like an arrest is taking place but John’s lawyers have issued a statement of denial.
This gliding lark sounds like a piece of cake..... |
Now the conditions have changed markedly, light winds, blue skies and thermals with no wave forecast. Thermal climbs over stage one to 8-9000ft enabled the fastest forays to the top ever! Where surprise! Wave! It took some careful searching but it was there and with only 8kts of wind. Those that made it were in awe, the mountain views and how close we were positioned were stunning. Like a blind man with a stick staying in weak wave with blue conditions required sensitive butts, track trace navigation and a bit of guesswork. Bill and Andrew Blundell were surprised how rough the entry into the wave was but loved every minute.
A view from the unexpected wave. |
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