Monday, 22 June 2009

Monday Evening

A good day had by all, everyone achieved 2.5 hours each. Flights were a mixture of climbing up the ridge in thermals after launch onto the Gache, see picture on right. The only difficulty was the wind was from the NW and of course the sun's from the S which made deciding exaclty what would work and where a bit more difficult. Dave Tanner's flight with 'G' being typical with a jump over to the Lure a long ridge with lots of turbulent strong lift and sink with a lot of effort needed to get above the ridge. Then a jump straight upwind though 7-9 knots of sink to cross the valley to connect with a 7.5 knot climb to cloudbase and then connecting with the wave after soaring the shear just in front of the cloud.
A run downwind in direction of St Auban and a nose into the mountains found weak lift with wave suppressed thermals until deeper into the hills, after which strong climbs and sink and a very close look at the some of the hills.

Running to the wave and a close look at the hills!

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