Sunday, 14 June 2009

We now have a full team with the arrival of Tim, Nicky, Graham and Andy. So when ‘G’ and myself turned up at the airfield the gliders were checked and ready to go.

The briefing today was a far less lively affair thanks in part to the absence of French pilot's butting in with there opinions about the weather, launch time, Tasks and so on. Thanks to the lack of banter we were able to get a good grip on the weather forecast despite the language barrier. So the weather to day will be good in the mountains with thermals up to 4000 meters but a risk of showers in the high mountains.

As I sit in the shade and write this temperature is 27 degrees with a max for the day of 31. It looks like the first launch will be some time after 1 pm and buy that time I will already have emptied one of my Camelbak’s. So it’s off to lunch and another update and pictures when we get back from flying.


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