Well! Yesterday just after the blog was posted, a blue hole opened out of nowhere and drifted over us. There was enough of a breeze to generate some wave. Mike and Steve soared up to the low 7000's in the K21. Richard got the Discus to the upper 7000's. Howard and Rob were in the DG1000 and made 8000 in the Braemar area. We all had fun getting back just before sunset when the gaps suddely and rapidly closed beneath us. But all down safely so all was well.
Today, Friday, was a better day with a moderate NNW wind blowing. Graham set off early in the Discus and got up to 13 or 14k before being called down. Everyone flew today. Some more successful than others. I swiped SH4 at lunchtime and had an entertaining flight. Towed to almost 4000 feet and still failed to find the wave. Fell down to 1500 feet on the ridge, clawed my way up to just over 2000 feet, then managed to thermal up to cloudbase at just over 3000 feet before connecting with the wave again near Ballater. At 7000 or so I pushed west to Braemar and to the NW of there climbed again all the way to FL195. Fun fun fun!
Now all the gliders have been derigged and ready to begin their long haul home to Lasham. This evening we plan to have fish and chips at Ravenswood.
Howard took this exquisite shot of a lenticular in the Braemar area yesterday:
I managed a 100 degree panorama as Richard and I were headed Eastwards back yesterday. There was a hole near the horizon 2km NNE of the airfield through which we safely slotted.
Congratulations to all those who had successful badge flights, and to a successful expedition. Here's to next year.
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