Tuesday was totally unflyable due to persistent low cloud obscuring the local ridges and intermittent rain. Again little wind to shift things through. Much tea drinking to be had. In the evening we went to an Italian restaurant in Ballater.
Wednesday was another cloudy calm day but atleast this time it was dry with chinks of occasional sunchine. Some curious lenticulars early and late were 'fools wave' but had Dave tempted anyway. It was mostly unreachable. Several flights were had though in the fairly calm and still air. Colin and Dave did have fun attempting to ridge soar the south side ridge in near nil wind. In the evening we went to the Boat Inn.
Today, Thursday, yet another calm day presented itself. Started wet, but a small gap teased us for a short while before a cold front started to move in. Not looking promising this afternoon. Drank more tea. Currently we plan a cook in this evening and Ballater fish and chips tomorrow.
Tomorrow holds some final desperate hope of some northerly wave. The soundings suggest up to 20kts from the north but the Bracknell synoptics look rather calmer. So let's hope for a blend that will mean we can launch and have one last climb in wave before we head home again.
Finally a couple of pictures. See if you can supply a caption to this picture from Sunday:

Here is a 2 shot panorama that Mike took somewhere above Morven on Sunday:

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