Week 3
Day 1.
Over the last two weeks the various contributors to this blog have set a high standard of reporting that have kept us all amused and informed about there particular weeks adventures. Thanks for that guys and lets hope that week 3 has just as much fun both on the ground and in the air
After various reports of rain and possible cold front over us at midday it was a pleasant surprise to be woken up by the church bells and bright sunshine outside. Morning briefing promised a soarable day with cloud base at 1500meters and the possibility of more humidity and storms to the east over the high mountains.
It took a few hours for the low cloud in the valley to show any signs of lifting but when it started to it became obvious that the thermals over the mountains were already working and it was time to get on to the runway. Merv was the first to launch followed by the rest of the Lasham gliders into an improving sky and rising cloud base.. After about an hour most of us managed to work our way into the mountains where the cloudbase was now 9000ft. The second trip of the afternoon was not so fortunate as it has began to go blue locally and the climbs were only going to about 7000ft.
I had been warned about the shear volume of food that keeps coming out at the airfield restaurant barbeque, but seeing is believing. It’s hard not to over eat when the restaurant staff are almost demanding you finish off the food that’s left on the table. As I write this I think I don’t need to start eating again until some time on Thursday.
PS. Merv was airborne for over 5 hours and where he ventured to is not for the faint hearted!!
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