Week At The Knees – Retrospective on Day Two in Jaca
This is not Colin Watt, this is Keyser Sochez. Colin Watt is not here.
Day two was successful if you measure it by amount of damaged people, planes and puking. There was none so it was a successful day. If you measure it by hours flying, it was a disaster, as there was none of that either. The weather map had shown a spider web of fronts passing over us yesterday and it was dreech (for the scots among you).
But we made the best of it.
At breakfast we decided what rules we would pass when we were gods for a day.
1. Van drivers would have dead fish to hit cyclist with as they pass through London
2. Cyclists would have metal fish to hit Van drivers with as they pass through London
3. All morally bankrupt politicians would expire slowly
4. Toothpaste tubs would blow your fingers off if you squeezed them in the middle
5. We would all park very neatly (if its not a right angle to the pavement, it’s a wrong angle).
We then moved onto controversy – Socialism is evil – discuss …as we wondered around the supermarket.
Back to the apartment to tuck into our booty and a nice bottle of wine. Misery hit us as the second glass went down because the sun came out but it was suitably fleeting and never got flyable.
We could have been cultural in the afternoon, seen a monastery, could have been athletic and climbed a mountain but no, we dug ourselves into the apartment and somehow lost 7.5 hours playing poker at £2 a round.
The day finished gloriously with a food feast, lead by our able guide, Mr Bob Johnson as he took us to some of the best eating holes in town. (Although Dave W and Chris S wimped out and went for Pizza… lame-o).
This morning we are waiting for the cloud base to lift but it looks flyable. The only comedy we have had to date is a Bob Johnson rant at the L Nav and Gps in the DG1000. I didn’t know a man’s face could turn the same colour as the maroon Lasham fleece. He was good enough to using “effing” and not the eff word but no idea what he was on about… too many “effs” and crying with laughter.
Oh and we are letting Dave W drive the 4WD again. On Monday, he tried to go into town in low ratio. 28mph, fifth gear and pedal to the metal, he had twigged something was wrong but wasn’t going to turn back and request assistance until a near death experience with a series of large trucks made him realise his chocolate/ junk food need did not rank higher than his life.
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