Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Jaca 2016 Week 2 - Day 3

When we arrived at the airfield there were definite signs of wave activity with a blue slot to the north of the airfield but there were also snow showers not far away to the north and the west. This was confirmed at the briefing which showed that Santa Cilia was on the western edge of the better weather.

It was straight out to get the gliders out and go flying. No time for lingering in the clubhouse today.

John and Merv were the first to launch in the DG1000 followed by Mike and Bob in the Duo Discus. Both gliders took high tows to cloud base over stage 2 which took them directly into the wave. The gliders climbed slowly at first and with patience Mike and Bob climbed to 13,800' over the Hecho valley. John and Merv had an interesting time exploring the lower reaches of the wave.

Mike enjoying the view from above the clouds for once

Duo Discus climbing well on its way to 13,800'

The view from above Stage 2. (and a very tricky "Spot the Merv" competition) 

The view west from above the clouds.

View East over the Stage 1 fire break.
By the time the gliders launched on their second sorties the conditions were deteriorating. It was still soarable over Stage 1 but it was hard work. When rain eventually threatened from the west, Ayala and Bob landed after one and a half hours of grinding away above stage 1.

Graham and Merv persisted and the conditions eventually cycled, but the wave was never as good as it had been earlier in the day. Graham and Merv achieved 6,500' during their 3 hour flight.

About 10 hours flown today in 4 sorties.

Hopefully it will be a little warmer tomorrow.


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