Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Jaca 2016 Week 3 Day 1 and 2

Day 1

\Time to go!
Blue skies greeted us for day one and John P and Terry got airborne in the Duo and DG by midday for familiarisation flights, the conditions were good enough to reach stage 3 after releasing and climbing away from stage 1.

Terry and Bob 
John P and John B

Dave Griffiths and Phil Holland followed with similar flights and late in the afternoon Terry was able to also fly the Duo as Bob Akehurst flew the DG. 6 flights in one day was in sharp contrast to what had been possible in the previous weeks.

Day 2

The weather was a repeat of day 1, so we were set for some longer flights. Sadly, as John P was landing the undercarriage collapsed on the tarmac runway and by the time they drifted to stop on the grass there was a hundred metres of gel coat and fibreglass left in their wake.


No faullt of the crew as the lever was still down and locked
The DG was packed into the trailer ready for the journey home. Dave Grffiths and Bob Akehurst had good flights in the duo and spent time circling with a couple of dozen vultures that had gathered over the remains of the DG


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