The sky didn't look that promising this morning as cirrus blocked off the heating and the cloud was low over the mountains. However the briefing was surprisingly positive though the various models couldn't agree whether it was going to rain or snow or which direction the wind was coming from.
So it was a more relaxed start with time for lunch before the high cloud moved away and it was time to go flying. Today it was Allan and Merv in the K21 followed quickly by Charlie and Bob in the Duo, both being launched under a street to the south west of the airfield.
Plenty of time to fettle this morning |
The two gliders went west together heading for the ridge to the north of the reservoir at Yesa. There were already several large showers to the north and south but the conditions were booming for a fast run up and down the ridge.
Charlie in the Duo zooming along the ridge to the north of the Yesa lake |
Allan in the K21 south of Yesa |
The gliders parted company with the K21 heading south whilst the Duo came back east getting as far as Stab-another-dingo (sic). The cloud base was now around 7,500' allowing the gliders glimpses of the main ridge.
The showers continued to build in the west so it was time to return for the second sortie before the cloud shadow cut of heating to the mountains near the airfield. Both gliders opted to land downwind to get back in the air asap. Kevin and Bob in the Duo and Keith and Merv in the K21. This worked well but the increasing showers meant that the second flights were a little shorter than planned.
Kevin in the Duo with the main ridge finally clear of cloud in the distance |
A huge snow shower passed to the north of the airfield with an even bigger one building to the south west. This put the whole valley to the west of Jaca in cloud shadow making for some interesting cloudscapes.
Keith and Merv arriving back from the second sortie |
Keith towing back with a stunning backdrop |
The Lasham truck with the edge of the snow shower in the distance |
Snow falling to the south |
Kevin and Bob in the Duo lingered in some weak lift at the southern end of the Hecho valley before heading back, only to find a strong climb right next to the airfield. They took pity on those waiting on the ground so came back and landed.
The final turn for the Duo |
Round-out with Oriel in the distance |
The instructors must be tired out as they chose to eat in at the apartment whilst the students headed into Jaca for "a big lump of meat".
Everyone flew today with a total of about 7 hours flown.