It was a very relaxed start to the expedition as the briefing is now at 10:30, allowing plenty of time for everyone to visit the office to sort out their paperwork and have another coffee in the restaurant.
The sky wasn't looking very promising and the briefing suggested that flying sooner than later would be a good idea as rain was expected later on. So it was off to the hanger to get the gliders ready to go.
Sheltering in the hanger admiring E6 whilst waiting for a shower to pass. |
By the time we were ready the sky had improved and it looked soarable over the valley but the higher mountains were still shrouded in cloud and large showers were visible upwind. It was tricky at first but both the K21 (Kevin and Merv) and the Duo (Keith and Bob) managed to eventually find climbs over the valley and connect with a solid street running upwind to the west. Once established it was possible to explore the local area whilst (mostly) avoiding the showers.
Once airborne we were informed that the tug was heading off to Zaragoza for maintenance and wouldn't be back till after 3pm. This came as a bit of a surprise but fortunately didn't really cause too much off a problem as the K21 stayed airborne whilst the Duo returned and had time for lunch in the excellent airfield restaurant.
Keith heading west towards Yesa |
It was after 4pm before the second sorties launched and the conditions had changed with another line of showers threatening the airfield. This time the Allan and Bob were in the Duo and Charlie and Merv in the K21. At least the cloud over the higher mountains had lifted giving good views to the north.
The view north on the second sortie with the higher mountains clear of cloud |
The Duo spent most of the flight in the vicinity of Stage 1 having to work quite hard to stay airborne with the K21 ranging further afield.
Allan over Stage 1 |
With another line of showers threatening the gliders landed and were put away just before the rain hit.
The pot of gold is at the threshold of 27 |
8 hours and everyone flown, despite a poor forecast with the longest flight being over 3 hours.
The evening entertainment was a group expedition to the supermarket and a meal out in Jaca.
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