With a front approaching from the south west, there was a bit more urgency for an early start on Day 3. The gliders were on the runway and ready to launch before the briefing, which confirmed that there would be a short wave flying window before it started raining. Although the surface wind was easterly, the upper wind would be west of south giving the possibility of wave.
Lined up for a launch on 09 |
Charlie and Merv ready to go in the Duo |
Duo's first launch... |
Charlie and Merv were first to launch in the Duo with a brave decision to release at 2000' above the airfield in the lee of Cuculo.
Allan and Bob in the K21 could see that the Duo wasn't climbing, so took a higher tow and found a weak rotor climb near Puente de la Reina. After a push south into wind, through some strong sink, the K21 contacted the wave and climbed steadily until they were well above the cloud.
The initial climb in the wave topped out at around 8000' and all three gliders (K21, Duo and E6) ended up in the same area giving a photo opportunity.
Looking at the approaching weather from 8000'
(Spot the Merv #1) |
Charlie and Merv against an ominous backdrop |
Which is my best side? |
Each glider explored the wave system looking for stronger lift. The Duo headed east getting to about 10,000' near Stab-another-dingo (sic) whilst the K21 loitered just downwind of Cuculo getting to 11,200' before the gaps between the clouds started to close, signalling the collapse of the wave.
Must be going ok, both pilots in the K21 are smiling. |
All the gliders descended safely over the main valley without any problems and managed to get the gliders away before the rain started. Unfortunately this meant that there was only time for one sortie in each glider today so Kevin and Keith will fly first tomorrow. Just under 4 hours total flying time today.
Interesting view of the valley on the descent |
Duo on approach with the rain visible in the distance
(Spot the Merv #2) |
Full marks for accuracy as Charlie arrives on the ramp |
After another fine airfield lunch we headed off to do something more useful with the afternoon than watch the rain come down. Mike made his famous scones and supervised the preparation of the apple and strawberry crumble.
Mike baked some scones, yummy. |
Dinner tonight was Merv's Spaghetti Bolognese followed by the crumble with Luis and Serge as our guests.
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