Monday, 10 June 2013

Week 1 Day 2

What a difference a day makes!  - a mediocre day for some locals who chose to wait for a better day (maybe tomorrow), but for us it was a good day but not without its ups and downs. The day started with no power in the DG as overnight we left the battery connected with the master switch on. Meanwhile there was corrosion discovered in the plug, socket and fuse of the fin battery preventing the current getting through. The spare batteries had no charge left in them so the first sortie was effected using one Clearnav running on the fin battery with a freshly cleaned connection which lasted the 1.75 hrs of the flight. Ed  Foxon and G were first to launch in the Duo and Mark Benhom and Merv followed sometime afterwards due to the lack of power in the DG. Mark's flight was challenging to start with but was curtailed by airsickness just as the conditions were improving. Ed and G had a good run from the Lure to Serres and back. Adrian Nettleship and Merv circumnavigated the Sisteron Valley and managed to get to 10700' in wave that was interfering with the thermals earlier. Although not first to launch Merv was keeping up his tradition of being last back at 20:00. Julian Richardson enjoyed his  3 hour flight with G bring the total hours flown for today to 11:45 - not bad for a mediocre day!

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