Thursday, 20 June 2013

Week 2 Day 5

Merv and G were simultaneously woken up at 03:30 by a very strong wind and rain, both had the same thought and drove to the airfield to check on the gliders. On arriving we found another pilot doing exactly the same. By then the rain had stopped and the wind had subsided a little. Thankfully, the only incident that had occurred was the DG's canopy cover had blown off.
Another late start gave an opportunity for the crews to visit Sisteron. Julian and John P decided to have a rest day after their long wave excursions yesterday, leaving John C to fly with Merv and Tom to fly with G. Tom and G managed to contact the weak wave and climbed to 11000' and ventured south to the Gorge de Verdon. Meanwhile, John C searched every where on a clockwise tour of the valley for some usable wave, then tried the anti-clockwise route. Both directions were unsuccessful but resulted in some fun ridge running and a light shower.

A glimpse of tomorrow's weather on the horizon

After last night's rude awakening, even Merv was on the  ground by 19:15 much to everyone's amazement! 

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