The day showed great promise no wind, with cumulus popping in the mountains before breakfast and the briefing was well attended unlike the last 2 days. But by 11 there was only one glider (Roger's) on the runway so where's the catch? Merv was keen to maximise the remaining time of the last day, Roger graciously allowed John P and Merv to launch first and the conditions were indeed as good as they looked. We headed south and had look around Puimoisson while trying the conditions over the flatlands just for a change. We watched an aerotow tow high into the mountains and the tug seemed to take ages to return while we were climbing in a good thermal very local to the airfield! John P returned via the high ground to the east which was in cloud shadow and without significant wind. Tom and G went to the Gorge de Verdon followed by Julian and Merv on the second sortie and again returning via the high ground landing back at just after six for a quick clean and de-rig. Last to land at 18:30 was John C and G having visited P-D-B for the last time this expedition. Morag had her longest flight of 8.5 hours without a comfort break! with Roger flying to Fayence, circumnavigating the Ecrins and venturing to areas forecast not to be particularly favorable. They finally returned at 20:15. We all enjoyed our meals at the Janus and now we are all packed and ready for the journey home.
Thanks for reading this far ... The Lasham Sisteron expedition 2013 is now over.
An early start |
The middle bit |
The Final approach of the expedition |
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