Monday 27 June 2016

Serres 2016 week 2 day 5

Day 5

A slightly hotter today at 31C with a gentle southerly breeze that produced a much better soaring day with a higher cloud base. Its amazing what a difference a gentle breeze makes to the thermals. Chris H and Merv got to 12000 on the Pracheval range despite some gliders in that area not turning tight enough to use the strong lift efficiently. That was easily dealt with as we left them and found our own thermal! On returning Peter W told us that Graeme C and G were at Gap (again?). The expedition appears to be turning into a two centre holiday. Conditions became very tricky below 6000’ which was the Duo’s downfall.
Peter W declined the offer of being transported to Gap and then launched by the tug so Graeme C had a second flight to return home. By the time Neil M and Merv had launched on the DG’s second flight the cloud base had dropped by 3000’ which made us more cautious about going too deep into the mountains to the east.

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